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Sep 25,2017
Every woman is a bright and unique person with her own individual preferences and tastes. It is possible to say the same about men. Therefore, everyone needs a special approach. Some guys think that they should text after first date only in three days while others will call a girl the same evening and the yet others will just disappear, riding off into the sunset.
Jul 31,2017
The first meeting and even a short time spent together don’t give a complete picture of the nature of the character of a person. But almost everyone can fall in love at first sight. How should men who fell in love with introverted women behave? How to keep the relationship warm with these "cold icebergs" without breaking their unsteady inner world and how to find happiness or even build a family?
Let's make an exchange: a little of your attention to our objective for a detailed analysis of such phenomenon as open relationships. By the end of the article, you will most likely have a ready answer whether it suits you.
Many men want to know why women cheat on, when they do it, and how to prevent it. After all, this is the most terrible thing that can happen in relationships. But often, girls and women do it consciously.
Jun 26,2017
The "fun" is especially guaranteed if you spend your life with the wrong girl. So, pay attention to the signs that can help you. If you cannot find anything similar to these points, stop and think carefully again.
May 31,2017
Russian women became an obsession of western men about thirty years ago when the Soviet Union had dissolved. Men got crazed on Russian ladies because of their cultural peculiarities. Unlike western women who became self-sufficient and independent, Russian girls accept traditional gender roles and they are family-oriented
May 05,2017
No matter how great everything’s going in our lives right now, we all may end up alone in our 40’s. This can happen to anyone and for lots of reasons, like paying too much attention to the career and forgetting about our private life, getting divorced, and so on. Anyway, at some point, we start searching desperately for that special someone without any knowledge of dating in 40’s. We have a desire to meet the goal and a lot of free time to spare. The only problem is that we don’t know where to start.