How and Why You Should Date an Introvert


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  1. Who are introverts and why you should date them
  2. Dating an introvert: rules and guidelines
  3. Online dating for and with introverts
  4. How to date an introvert through the Internet

The first meeting and even a short time spent together don’t give a complete picture of the nature of the character of a person. But almost everyone can fall in love at first sight. How should men who fell in love with introverted women behave? How to keep the relationship warm with these "cold icebergs" without breaking their unsteady inner world and how to find happiness or even build a family?


Who are introverts and why you should date them

Who are introverts? Typical introverts are calm and even shy persons. Such people are incredulous and it is difficult for them to interact with the outside world. So they keep away and have a small number of close people. They don’t like spontaneity; they plan everything in advance; they love order in all things, including their emotions and feelings that they know how to control. These people love solitude and they try to avoid crowds and noisy companies. They can be called closed and unsociable persons. Introverts never take into account the opinion of others. They rely only on themselves, their resources, and their capabilities.

So, who is an introvert? An introvert is a very conscientious, honest, and polite person. It can’t be said that introverts don’t like people. They are simply very selective. For this type of people, the words "inner beauty is more important than external" is not a meaningless set of words. But most of the accusations that fall upon the fragile shoulders of introverts are greatly exaggerated. Let's break the stereotypes and figure out why you should date introvert girls.

Introverts are sensitive natures

It is very easy to find impressionable persons among introverts who acutely experience and feel what they see, hear or read when communicating, reading a book or watching a film.

Introverts are individuals

This is one of the most obvious signs of an introvert person. These women are individualists who don’t follow mass fashion but strive for non-standard solutions. It is noteworthy that there are many writers among the introverts. This type of personality is not ordinary in nature. So they like to fill their lives with unusual things, including "strange" gifts that they make with all their heart.

who are introvertsIntroverts are very calm

Introverted women can often create the impression of excessive restraint in emotions, taciturnity, and even arrogance. Many people who think so simply don’t know that such people don’t like to show their emotions and feelings. Despite the emotional feminine nature, they will not impose their experiences on others, but retain them in themselves.

In the family, an introverted woman will take great care of the people close to her and become an excellent mother. The problems and troubles of others are not strange to her at all. On the contrary, she turns into a great support when it is necessary to support a loved one or a friend. And this woman is able to comfort other people due to inner calmness and discretion.

Their emotional "stinginess" is easily compensated by actions through which women show their feelings and true attitude towards others. They will care about relatives and friends, but it is unreasonable to force such women to show emotions or impulses if they don’t want it. This is a direct way to create discomfort for an introvert that can lead to the “wrong” behavior.

Introverts’ inner world occupies a high priority in life

Introverted women are often blamed for the lack of earthiness. Yes, they like to dream, to draw their own world in their minds or to think about some vital questions on eternal topics. They can’t be remade — this is a very important feature, releasing the creative potential that they are not averse to realize. Maybe it will be just a beautiful drawing. And it may be that the introvert will come up with an original thing for the house that will become very practical.

Introverts are ready to conduct deep conversations

Do you know any introverted woman who runs a discussion or talks like a real orator in a large group? No, you will not find her in real life. These women feel shy because of their inherent reserve in communication. The need to participate in such conversations exhausts their resources, so it is not surprising when introverts become silent and pause in communication.

Any introvert is annoyed and tired by empty and lengthy conversations that have no meaning in themselves. However, as soon as there is a possibility to communicate in a narrow circle, an introvert can surprise with the thought-over answers to difficult questions. Moreover, such person is also an eloquent interlocutor.

Introverts don’t put a career in the first place

An introverted woman extremely rarely takes a lead. This trend can be traced both in the family circle and at work. They don’t chase modern women's fashion of career and ambition. Most often we observe the opposite picture. However, this doesn’t decrease the strength of the intellect of an introverted woman in any way and the ability to deeply study information, excellent memory, and sharp intuition.

Introverts have strong addiction to home entertainment

Introvert women may be alone for a long time. They don’t have an acute need in people or spend their free time on noisy companies. It is very tiring and takes a lot of forces away that will have to be restored after the holiday.

who are introvertsIntroverts can plan their day

The desire for an orderly way of life among introverts is selective. Impulsive decisions — are obviously not about of such women because everything needs to be considered. They love discipline, a regime, and a well-planned schedule. Such women show exceptional accuracy in work. This also applies to hobbies — they know how to organize their time for this.

If you want to conquer the heart of an introverted woman, then you should read what is written here and draw conclusions.

Dating an introvert: rules and guidelines

If your partner is an introvert, then you need to remember a few simple rules that will make your communication conflict-free and warm. Look at these introverts dating tips and learn.

Firstly, respect her desire to stay in silence. Dating an introvert, it is really important for her to come home from work and keep silent for an hour. However, don’t mistake her silence with arrogance. An introvert just wants to take a break from the noisy office, where everyone constantly tries to get an answer to their question from her. When an introvert wants to talk, she will let you know. You only have to create conditions comfortable for her.

Secondly, let her be alone. For an introvert, it is simply vital to sit alone so that no one nearby even breathes, not to mention ask about how the day went and what she ate for lunch today. Such a woman is sure that she can restore mental strength only alone with oneself and then she can get in touch with the outside world as an “updated person”.

Thirdly, listen to what an introvert tells you. Since she may never tell you anything about herself on the first meeting, you have to be very attentive to the details. Whether it was a senseless story from childhood or she told you that today she was very worried at the doctor's office, you should treat such trifles with gratitude because that's how introverts let their loved ones into their souls.

If you manage to "tame" an introvert, then there will be a true friend in your environment who loves not only herself but your personal space, who is ready to listen and not able to think about betraying you or treating you dishonestly.

Online dating for and with introverts

Sometimes I ask myself, how could people live thirty years ago when you could see online dating only in fiction? Today, the advantages of online dating are obvious to everyone, because you don't even need to leave your house anymore to meet a perfect partner. Additionally, this is the best way to meet an introvert. After all, if you hate loud companies and don't like to talk to people, then online dating is the only place where you control everything and won't have to blush for not willing to have a conversation with someone. If you decide to find your love online, you have several variants where you can find them:

Social networks

They were initially invented to communicate and maintain contacts. Today social networks are often used for dating. They expand our social circle. Dating algorithms in social networks are as close as possible to real life: you get to know people, communicate with them, maintain interest in persons with bright statuses and interesting photos, and join thematic communities. Dating on social networks, such as Facebook, for example, is very comfortable for introverts who feel free in front of the computer screen, but somewhat get lost in face-to-face meetings. This is the first introvert dating advice.

dating sites for introverts Dating websites

Dating sites for introverts are the most convenient and reliable way to get online dating. The principle of work of these sites is familiar to everyone, perhaps. You make a profile, fill it in, post your photos, look at the profiles of other participants, send messages and respond to their messages in order to get acquainted. It may be called the perfect type of date with introverts.

Dating apps

There is nothing surprising in the fact that introverts also use dating apps. Certainly, they do, because everyone wants to build a romantic relationship with someone they love. However, there are pitfalls. For example, in the most popular dating apps, you will be able to start a conversation with someone, only if they swiped you to the right too. Therefore, she has to swipe you right. Otherwise, there won't be any magic. So, be very attentive when you make your dating profile. Focus on writing your bio, where you should write about your hobbies and interests.

How to date an introvert through the Internet

If you want to get acquainted with an introverted woman on the Internet, then you need to know what you can write her. For example, write a girl that you like her and you want to meet her. You don’t really need to invent abstruse phrases. It's enough to honestly admit that you like her.

Study her page: photos, friends, the groups on which she is subscribed and so on. The main resource is needed — information about what she likes! When you decide on her hobbies, try to find something that is interesting to you as well. Moreover, it must be something non-standard.

Be always polite and attentive during correspondence. Use her name as often as possible. It is especially pleasant for any girl, whether she is an introvert or not, to hear or read her own name. Even if you have a bad mood, the correspondence should reflect only good emotions and humor.

Ask her out on a date. Here you don’t have to be a connoisseur of female nature in order to determine when it's time to invite a lady on a date.

Remember that these girls are unusual. It may take a little longer to move on to dates and closer communication. Anyway, introverts and dating are compatible. Of course, it can be difficult to find a common language with an introvert, but if it works out, then you will discover an amazing world of a person who thinks a lot, who never remains indifferent to anything, who can feel deep feelings for simple and ordinary things. You will be surprised!

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