Dating a 10-Year Old Younger Russian Girl


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  1. What Young Russian Girls Look For?
  2. How to Attract a 10-Year Old Younger Girl
  3. Ups and Downs of Having a Relationship with an Adult Man
  4. Dating a Young Russian Girl: Essential Tips

Russian women became an obsession of western men about thirty years ago when the Soviet Union had dissolved. Men got crazed on Russian ladies because of their cultural peculiarities. Unlike western women who became self-sufficient and independent, Russian girls accept traditional gender roles and they are family-oriented. Of course, that made western men dream about creating a family with or at least dating Russian girls. Pretty young girls from Russia became the main attraction for western men.

Why do men date younger women from Russia? Although most people may assume that hot young girls just seem more attractive to older men than women of their age, but if you delve into the topic of Russian dating, you will understand that the answer is not that romantic at all. When it comes to making the relationship official, the vast majority of western men want to take their Russian fiancées to their homeland. Cute young girls are just more flexible than their older counterparts. Young women easily accept new cultural environment and the traditions of their new home country. Moreover, Russian young ladies search for older men on their own.


What Young Russian Girls Look For?

So, why Russian women are looking for older men? Of course, if you're in your thirties dating a 20 year old girl, some suspicion as to their mercenary spirit might pop up in your head, but women are looking for older men for other reasons. Young guys can be courageous, sexy, reckless, and adventurous. Although it may sound great, this daredevil bravado occurs because young lads lack maturity. Girls find it extremely hard to build relationships with someone who's immature. Boyish late teens and early twenties swashbuckling behavior goes hand in hand with irresponsibility. Young guys are often not responsible for themselves, there's no surprise that they can't be responsible for someone else. Mature men, on the other hand, know how to take care of themselves and how to take care of their ladies.

How to Attract a 10-Year Old Younger Girl

If you want to know how to date younger women, you need to know how to attract them. Half of the work is done by your age, but it doesn't mean that you can relax already. Attracting a girl younger than you requires a few things. First, you need to remember that you are older than her when you start luring her. Secondly, you need to remember your age when you start dating her.

In the first case, it means that you should be more delicate and more discreet when you express your affection. She’s had enough with guys who go mad about her. It is unlikely she would be impressed if a thirty-something guy, for whom she may fall because of his maturity, starts acting like he is 15-year-old Johnny who's head over heels in love with her. Be restrained, show her your interest in her but don't overdo it, or she may consider you a weirdo.

In the second case, when you start dating a 20 year old woman, you need to remember that it was your maturity and your life experience that drew her to you. The most common mistake for older men dating younger women is that men start thinking that they are young too. But you're not in your early twenties anymore, and you must remember that. You can attract her with your maturity, so you need to act like an adult. Acting like you are twenty when you are thirty or forty years old may be cool in certain cases, but mostly it looks ridiculous. You may want to act irresponsible once again, but that means that you should stick with a woman of your age who feels the same. Remember, a young girl has had enough with irresponsible guys of her age, she wants your maturity.

Ups and Downs of Having a Relationship with an Adult Man


  • Status
  • Fidelity
  • Protection
  • Experience

An important factor is the fact that the average man over the age of 30–35 already has a decent income and a stable social position, which is definitely an important factor when choosing a man.

In addition, an adult man, most likely, has already managed to walk up and wants a serious relationship. And this means that he is unlikely to have a lover on the side - he just does not need it. You can count on his loyalty.

And he is quite ready to take responsibility for his beloved woman. Having an affair with a man who already has significant life experience, you can feel calm, being under his protection.

Of course, such a relationship has its drawbacks. What do women most often suffer from in such relationships?


  • Mistrust
  • Jealousy
  • Excessive control

An adult man, living with a young beauty, may constantly doubt that he is interesting to her. Over the years, finding common ground is becoming more and more difficult, and all sorts of hobbies and entertainments of his young companion can worry a lover.

Things are even more complicated with jealousy. He is no longer so sure of his own attractiveness, and is very worried that some young guy can compete with him.

beautiful-girl-portraitDating a Young Russian Girl: Essential Tips

If you want to be successful in dating younger girls, you need to learn several tips and tricks. So, without further ado, check out our tips on how to date a young girls.

1. Be Mature

Once again, show your maturity. You're not a college student anymore, although the temptation to act like you're twenty again is very high. Girls become mature faster than guys, so they look for older partners. You need to show her your emotional stability and that you can solve any problem. Leave silly jokes for teenagers. And show her that you know what you want. You need it especially when you're dating a Russian girl, because Russian men act like teenagers even when they're in their late forties.

2. Be Smart

Ask yourself why young girls fall for older men? Because they think that mature men are smarter than guys of their age. Don't disappoint her and show that age and cleverness go hand in hand. She thinks that your life experience means that you can keep up any conversation, so prove it to her. But pick topics that can interest her, which means you shouldn't lecture her about global economic crisis if she's not into it.

3. Don't Try To Be Superior

Your age is not your supremacy. You need to remember it, especially when you are dating a Russian girl. She heard everything about the age supremacy before. Older people in Russia often tend to humiliate younger ones on the age-basis. Show her that you have no problems with your age gap. Such attitude will make you both feel more comfortable in your relationships.

4. Don't Try To Buy Her

Yes, you can afford much more than guys of her age, but it doesn't mean that you should pour presents down on her all the time. She may think that you're not confident enough and you’re trying to buy her with gifts.

5. Share Your Experience

She fell for you because of your life experience, so don't forget to share it with her. Explain her something that she cannot understand because of her age. Give her some advice or two. She would appreciate it. Moreover, sharing experience will help in building trust between the two of you.

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