A Comprehensive Guide to Your Behavior after a First Date


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  1. Texting after your first date: perfect timing and messages.
  2. What to text after first date?
  3. What to write her in a short message?
  4. When to call after a first date?
  5. How to ask her out on a second date?
  6. What to expect after the first date?
  7. How to prepare for the second date?
  8. What's it all add up to?

A first date is an event that you will remember for a long time. As a rule, men experience many different feelings related to a long preparation, there are doubts and fears, excitement and joyful emotions of a long-awaited meeting.

However, people who believe that the first meeting with a new person is the most significant and important event in their life are wrong. The most interesting thing begins after the first date. A woman, upon returning home, immediately starts thinking about the past date and whether a second meeting will take place or not. In addition, every self-respecting girl simply has to sort out the whole evening to the smallest atoms, to find all the existent and non-existent missteps that were supposedly committed on her part, to blame herself for all mortal sins, and then start reflecting on what gift will be suitable for their anniversary of the relationship. If, of course, this relationship will continue.

texting after first date

Almost all women are waiting for a message or a call and an offer to meet again after a first date. Unfortunately, not everyone receives it. Every woman is a bright and unique person with her own individual preferences and tastes. It is possible to say the same about men. Therefore, everyone needs a special approach. Some guys think that they should text after first date only in three days while others will call a girl the same evening and the yet others will just disappear, riding off into the sunset.

Texting after your first date: perfect timing and messages.

The first date has already become a history and you are alone with your own thoughts and a phone in your hand. If the date turned out to be a real nightmare because the girl behaved defiantly, was rude to the waiter and did awful things then you would not have the desire to call or text her after such a date. Nonetheless, what should you do if the girl was attractive and friendly? Your actions should be thoughtful and cautious in order not to appear intrusive and, at the same time, make clear to the girl that you like her. The phone is your best friend and helper in this case. When to text a girl after first date?

Many people believe that calling or texting after first date is a rash and reckless step. If you write or call the same evening, the girl will decide that you are desperate and you have nothing more to do. Not everyone agrees with this opinion. In any case, there are two options: to send her a message the next day or to send it in the evening after a date if it is impossible to wait so long. The main thing is not to send her messages every day. Otherwise, the girl will come to the conclusion that you are "easy prey" and lose interest. Anyway, don’t reflect too long on when to text a girl after first date. So, if you think about texting after first date, do that without hesitation! The man is given the leading role in the relationship. He is a conqueror, a seducer, and should clearly understand what exactly he wants and how to achieve that.

What to text after first date?

when to call after first dateAll people like stories and when someone starts telling us what has happened to them, we forget about everything, including what we do here at all. Especially when the stories are interesting.

If you want to induce some positive emotions, you can tell her a story that happened after the date. It is not about the stories that can be easily found in movies or books, your story can be very simple. It's enough just to learn to notice some interesting things around you. For example, a dog barked at you on your way home. You can choose two different options. In the first case, you don’t give it any value. In the second case, you tell this situation to evoke some emotions in your new acquaintance. What can you write to a girl after the first date in this case? First of all, take into account quite an important information that a text message should not be long, otherwise you will reduce your own importance. Therefore, you should send your story in two separate messages. The first message is just a bait, “When I went home, a dog barked at me."

Wait for an answer (no matter what it will be) and then write to her the following, “It had never barked at me before I met you. And now, apparently, it felt your smell. " You can use an emoji with a smile at the end of your message. After that, the girl is likely to start joking in response, supporting your initiative. Then you can write, "It has, probably, a bone to pick with you. " Of course, it is not necessary to use that example. Moreover, it should be adjusted to a specific situation. In addition, it is not necessary to joke about the girl. You can just notice interesting details around and write your own thoughts (preferably in a joking manner).

What to write her in a short message?

If you want to send her a short message, you can write her something, dedicated to the topic of the conversation, which has caused both of you a lot of emotions. Most often such topics are disputes.

Having argued with a girl on a date (in the positive sense of the word), you can repeat your point of view again in the evening. This will cause her an emotions outburst for two reasons. First, she will remember that period when she experienced strong emotions, and thus, again she will feel the same. Second, people like to argue, especially when disputes are positive. Besides, you can send her just thank you text after first date, such option has also right to exist.

Now you know what to write a girl after a date. However, remember that your skill to attract women is more important in general than to send them the message templates.

When to call after a first date?

It may seem that it is not necessary to call since we live in the age of the Internet, social networks, and other resources, thanks to which it is possible to communicate via messages. However, if you are not a guru of text-flirting then do not limit yourself to social networking.

If you have said that you will call her the next day after the date then do call her exactly the next day, otherwise, prolonged silence can be misinterpreted and fraught with consequences in the form of refusal to the next date. She starts immediately reflecting on different terrible guesses: he is married or he has a girlfriend, he is a typical liar.

How to ask her out on a second date?

What to do after a first date? Some men begin to appoint a second date just on the first one. The other guys start calling her just after a first date, telling how cool everything was and that they would be glad to meet her again. However, as a rule, this behavior is not to the benefit of the guy because he begins to show an interest too early. Wait at least till the evening when both of you will be at home or until the next day.

after the first date rules for menWhen you contact after first date, be aware that messages in social networks can be used for asking the girl out only if the correspondence leads logically to that. For example, you can ask a girl to a movie or to a restaurant with a particular cuisine at the end of the discussion of your favorite films or food.

It is easier for the shy men to write in social networks or to send a usual message after a first date. A phone call positions the man as a confident person, so try to gather the courage and call her. Choose the appropriate method, depending on how you want to present yourself.

One of the after the first date rules for men sounds like that, “If you feel that the girl shows liking, then you can call her on the mobile phone during your message exchange.” It is practically a win-win option. In this case, the risk of getting a refusal is minimal. When it's time to make a call, calm down and realize that there is nothing special in her coming on a date. In fact, it is not worth to attach great importance to her consent because all women feel how important they are to you. The more valuable you consider them for yourself, the worse it is because everything that comes easily does not have much value.

She doesn’t need to make efforts to arouse your interest because you are already interested in her. What to do after a first date? You have to find a way to balance all those ups and downs in your attitude when you want to go on a date with her again and you are sure that she wants that too. Try to catch this mood because on that will depend whether she will agree to a second date.

However, have a little talk before you ask her out. Use your sense of humor, make her laugh, tell a couple of stories that happened to you in the last days after the first date.

What to expect after the first date?

Be ready that she will not take that call and will not respond to your message. The reasons can be very diverse. To understand why she does not want to talk, the first thing you should do is to exclude the lack of interest and sympathy. If the girl showed sympathy during a date, let you kiss her goodbye, answered the kiss – then most likely the reason is something else. For example, she can wait for more decisive actions, provoke a "feat", she may want very much to see you again, and she tries to organize a meeting in such a strange way.

How to prepare for the second date?

Think in a positive way. In the end, you should have a good time. Do not start to worry about what disasters can happen, because in this way you only attract them. If you feel like you're getting nervous, call a good friend, watch your favorite comedy series, or listen to some nice music. Relax. Focus on getting a pleasant experience, and so it will be.

This is not the time to try a new hairstyle on a date, you want a hairstyle that looks good, but also natural! Be sure to brush your teeth so as not to scare away your companion (companion) with bad breath. Do not go out of your way to please a person. One thing that no one likes are people who pretend to be someone else. So just be yourself and have fun! Be yourself and stock up on self-confidence. More specifically, in addition to “confidence,” you should “know what your success is” (success breeds confidence). Instead of just being yourself, try being the best version of yourself.

Be a good and enjoyable listener, speak when it is your turn to speak. Do not interrupt when your interlocutor says, everyone likes those who can listen! Be honest! If you are a little nervous, do not try to hide it, so you will only look fake. They will understand you, and maybe your companion or companion is no less worried!

What's it all add up to?

Relationships are difficult. All these questions-answers, jokes, pressure, the feeling that you are being checked. How do people manage to cope with that? It does not even matter if you like her or not if she does not agree to go out with you on a second date.

If you want to succeed and continue your relationship, don’t forget about the compliments communicating with a girl after a date. Selecting a compliment, the most advantageous option is to refer to some moments, to the topic of conversation and memorable comical phrases of the first date. This will remind the girl of the memories of the last meeting, help relive those mentioned pleasant or funny moments again.

In general, the second date is even more important than the first one. The girl can give the man a second chance after an unsuccessful first date, but there will be no such chance after the second one. A true sign that everything is going well is her laughter at your jokes, an attempt to build joint plans, something like,"I'll show you this store someday!"

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