Choosing the Best Christmas Gifts for Your Girlfriend in 2019-2020


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  1. How to choose a gift?
  2. Tips for choosing gifts
  3. Do's of choosing the perfect gift for girlfriend
  4. Don’ts of choosing a perfect gift for girlfriend
  5. Christmas gifts: Examples
  6. How to Present a Gift Properly?

Choosing a gift is often a very hard process, even if you think that you know a person, your gift may end up upsetting them for one reason or another. Anxieties and fears poison your ability to make the right decision. But, if you want to increase your chances of picking a fitting gift for your woman, then this article is for you.

What is a good Christmas gift for my girlfriend? How to choose a good gift for a girlfriend? Let’s first talk about some important things that go into the process of decision-making.

what is the best gift for girlfriend

How to choose a gift?

So, what things should you consider when choosing a gift for a woman if Christmas is just around the corner? The first thing that should be considered is your budget, all the other choices depend on this one.

How much to spend?

I want to buy a gift for a girlfriend, but how expensive should it be? Decide how much money you are willing to spend on buying a gift for your girlfriend. Stick to your budget. Why is this important? You can end up buying too many gifts which will not look decent and will come off as a pathetic attempt to buy her attention. A gift should not be too cheap, and it should not be too expensive, you need to find the golden mean, and it all depends on the character of a woman you love. Be careful about what you spend on a present. It may sound rather strange, but she may feel out of place if you present her with a necklace that is worth $300, and she gives you a pair of socks or nothing at all. You may want to give her the whole world, but she may feel awkward.

When is the best time to buy presents?

What is the best time to buy presents for your girlfriend if Christmas is just around the corner? Well, this may not be all that surprising, but the earlier you begin, the better off you will be in the end. If it’s the middle of November, start looking for sales online, you may find incredible deals right now which will be better than Black Friday sales in the end. But, in general, if we talk about electronics, TVs, beds, cars, and other expensive gifts, it is better to make them a week before Christmas, this way, you will get the best deals on big purchases.

Tips for choosing gifts

A gift can tell a lot about you. Not only about your love for a person, but it also shows how thoughtful and insightful you can be when it comes to your partner. We will now help you find a great gift for your girl, and also let you know what girls like in general.

1. Use the female part of your nature

How to choose a gift for a girlfriend? It would probably not be a good idea to go out and buy her a statue in the shape of a skull unless she likes things like that. Put yourself in her place; think about the things she likes. Jewelry, flowers or sweets are usually a win-win option. Clothing can also be a good option, but be careful when choosing something that you don’t know anything about. Shirts, scarves, hats, and stockings are all great.

However, underwear, bras and everything that is worn under clothes should be avoided! They are too personal, and such a gift may be taken the wrong way, and you can even earn a slap in the face for your troubles. A piece of underwear may only be gifted to a girl with her permission!

how to get a good gift for girlfriend2. Give her something that reflects your common interests

If both of you like something similar, why not make her happy while strengthening what you have in common? More common interests mean more time spent together. If you like one sports team or a particular sport, buy tickets to a game. Make sure she really loves sports. You do not want to invite her to baseball just to find out that she finds it incredibly boring. But what if you ended up realizing that you have no common interests? Well, maybe there is no reason to waste your time in a relationship that brings you no joy, thankfully, meeting a single woman online nowadays is very easy. You could even visit the following site to meet single ladies right now to make sure it’s that simple.

If you two love to cook, sign up for cooking classes. If you like sculpting, there are classes for that as well. Both are fun group activities, and ultimately it will be easier for you to spend time together

3. Pack what you bought in a beautiful way

Pack your gift in a simple wrapping paper with a beautiful ribbon. Girls do not like gifts in trash bags. There are a couple of gift wrapping methods you can experiment with, or you can always pack your gift for free (or at least sometimes). Experiment a bit. Some pack a gift inside a gift. For example, cut a hole in the middle of an old used book and put a small, wrapped gift in that hole. But make sure that it won’t be all that obvious that there is something in there, make it subtle. Even if you bought tickets or something that fits in an envelope, make sure that the envelope looks attractive. You can make a strong positive impression on her with smooth, high-quality paper.

4. Do not turn this into a grandiose event

How to get a good gift for a girlfriend? If she has a gift for you, or she will give it in the next couple of weeks, there is a huge chance that you are dear to her as a friend or even more. If she really liked your gift, you can take a chance and tell her about how you feel about her. She can even tell you about her feelings too! It may be worthwhile to do this in a less crowded place (for example, not at university, at work or at a party), in case you cannot predict her reaction to this news. If she does not give you a gift in return and does not support communication with you, this is not a good sign. Most likely, she does not treat you like a potential partner, but you cannot know for sure. The surest way, in this case, is to go and to tell her about your feelings. After all, you still have nothing to lose.

5. Surprise her with a DIY gift

How to make a special gift for a girlfriend? Purchasing a gift is simple - anyone can do that. On the other hand, giving something that you’ve made with your own hands - it takes time, effort, and dedication. If you want to show her that you really care about her, do something for her that she will like and for which she will be grateful. There are tons of things you can do for her.

Do's of choosing the perfect gift for girlfriend

Let’s now look into some other things you should remember when choosing a gift for a woman, these are the do’s of choosing a perfect gift for a girlfriend.

Find out what she likes, but be subtle

Ask what her favorite color is, favorite animal, or what she likes to do. Everyone has hobbies that we consider to be our own, those that we think characterize us as individuals. These hobbies are the key to a good present. Think about her activities, think of the things she likes, maybe she likes animals and always wanted to have a puppy, maybe she would like to hit the gym, but she doesn’t do it for one reason or another, you can give her a membership. Maybe she likes knitting, cooking, or playing video games. Each of these hobbies implies lots of potential gifts to be made.

If you do not want her to know what you are asking about her, you can always ask her friends for a bit of advice to gather more ideas. There is nothing wrong with that. Find out also about the interests of other girls, if you are afraid that you might make the wrong choice.

how to choose a gift for girlfriendChoose something that can be used in winter

How to choose a gift for your girlfriend? Christmas is, well, in winter, so it is only fitting to make a present that will befitting of the season. You wouldn’t be buying winter socks in the middle of August, wouldn’t you? The same goes for Christmas, there is a special atmosphere in the air, Christmas is special, even if you are not a religious person, and a gift should be fitting to the feel of the winter holidays.

Make it personal

A personal gift is the one that will tell your girlfriend about your feelings, about your care, about just how much attention you pay to a woman. It is when your girlfriend will realize that you are a good listener, you are attentive to the things she tells you, and you were able to use that information in order to come up with a great gift for her. It can be something rather basic, something rather ordinary, but a girl will perceive it as something much more than just a gift.

Don’ts of choosing a perfect gift for girlfriend

Let’s now talk about some things you should avoid when it comes to choosing a Christmas gift for your girlfriend.

Don't try to guess the size

When it comes to clothes or anything else that requires precise knowledge of one’s measurements and personal preferences, you should be either extremely careful or avoid getting such gifts in the first place. You may know her bra size, but she, most likely, has her own way of choosing a bra, will it feel good on her skin, will she like the material? It is very risky to buy something as intimate in nature as bras and panties, and not because of how sexual they are, but because you, most likely, are not aware of all the nuances that go into it.

Don’t try to guess her preferences in cosmetics

If you are a regular man and you don’t work in the beauty industry, you don’t know anything about cosmetics – don’t even think of giving her cosmetics. Never even think of doing so. The only exception is to do so with the help of her close friend that knows everything about your girlfriend’s preferences in cosmetics. Even then, you may end up making a mistake, so you better avoid presenting her with cosmetics in general.

Christmas gifts: Examples

Now that we’ve talked about all the theoretical nuances that go into choosing a gift for a woman, let’s talk about something more practical in nature. Here are some gift ideas for a girlfriend.

Give her a postcard

What Christmas gift to buy for a girlfriend? If you want to give her a postcard, you don’t need to run headlong down the aisle and grab the first one to fall from the shelf. Try to pick one that says something about how special she is. Any girl likes to hear that she is special. Let your message be short and sweet. Surely you will want to write an essay, but so many sentiments can overwhelm and embarrass her. Everything should be simple. A postcard is a great opportunity to tell her something that will speak to her heart.

You can make your message thought-provoking and romantic by saying something like this: “It's not easy to choose a gift, but the goal is the same: to see you happy.” Or you can make it friendly, casual or funny: "I hope your holidays will be filled with lots of bright and joyful moments."

xmas presents for a girlfriendA Winter gift

What is a good gift for your girlfriend? It is something that will fit the season. How about some tea and a nice mug to go with it? If a girl starts her day exclusively with a cup of peach oolong, knows the difference between fermented and unfermented tea and spends half of her salary on this drink, do not hesitate, a package of delicious tea will definitely please her. But beware, carefully approach the choice of a drink. If you yourself don’t really understand what you are doing, ask your friends to recommend you a tea or a cool store where you can talk to an expert that will help you out. Tea alone is great, but you can also give her a mug to go with it, thankfully, it is easier to choose a mug, fewer nuances go into this decision.

Aroma candles

Do you want an original gift for a girlfriend? How about presenting her with aroma candles? Such a gift is simultaneously good for its versatility and complicated choice of aromas. Therefore, remember the following details, perhaps your girlfriend loves the smell of coffee in the morning, so why not to give her an aroma candle that smells like coffee. A correctly selected aroma candle will fill the house with a pleasant smell and create a cozy atmosphere. By the way, for the winter holidays, many brands release special Christmas collections in beautiful gift wrapping.

These were the Christmas gift ideas for a girlfriend, but no idea will ever be as good as something that you believe to be the right gift. What is the best gift for a girlfriend? Being able to listen to your female partner, remembering the things she says, and then using this information in order to choose the best gift for her is the key in this entire process that is not that hard after all. Think about the things she likes; think about the things she was telling you over the past few days, maybe she herself was dropping hints left and right, and you just have to use them in the right way.

How to Present a Gift Properly?

At the moment of presenting the gift, it is important how you yourself react to it! More precisely, your behavior should not change, because it can serve as an indicator of your dependence on a girl. And if you will be happy for her, the girl will appreciate the gift and notice your efforts.

You must react to her joy calmly! A small smile is enough. Remember: it’s not worth giving very expensive presents until you are married because this can spoil a girl. It is better to buy something less expensive but what she will surely like. Your behavior should be appropriate - do not show that coming up with an idea took you long. If you show your confidence in your gift, hint that this present is only your desire and expression of your sympathy for her, and at the same time you do not expect anything from her, this will add you extra points! Try to act as if preparing Christmas gift ideas for girlfriend is easy and pleasant for you.

Giving, as well as receiving gifts, can be a stressful situation for everyone, especially when it comes to close relationships. Even the most mercantile woman wants to receive gifts that reflect the value of your relationship and your feelings for her. Sometimes it is difficult to choose one or the other when all the gifts seem perfect or, on the contrary, you don’t see the one that will please the girl among them. Pay attention to your girlfriend: she will definitely give you a hint. As a last resort, just ask her and she will give you the direction of choice. And it's up to you to listen to these hints or not.

That's all! Following the recommendations that are given in this article, you can make a girl a gift, while increasing your attractiveness, and not putting pressure on her. So, everyone will be happy.

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