What to Do When She's Not in the Mood for Sex


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  1. Reasons Why You Can Be Not in the Mood for Sex
  2. What is a low libido?
  3. Does your partner really suit you?
  4. How to Get Her in the Mood for Sex

Life consists of a lot of problems, worries and family affairs. In addition, labor activity does not add strength and energy. All this leads to the fact that sooner or later a man and a woman lose their desire for sexual intimacy. Some partners are able to understand and adapt to the wishes of another person, and some are not.

how to get in the mood for sex

A hot, passionate woman (in contrast to the one that is never in the mood for sex) is the limit of dreams of many representatives of the strong half of humanity. Sex for a man is one of the important life episodes. And if there are any problems with it, it causes extreme anxiety in men. If a woman unexpectedly refuses an intimate relationship to a man, this causes certain suspicions. Even if you have never given a reason to suspect you of cheating, denial of intimacy entails the occurrence of psychological discomfort. This discomfort must be attached to some rational explanation. The simplest explanation is infidelity.

Indeed, as life shows, adultery often causes the disappearance of sexual desire between partners. But this is not the only cause of the problem, as well as this is not the most frequent culprit in a relationship. Most often, the truth is much less traumatic and lies directly on the surface. You just need to be able to discern it among the hundreds of conjectures that appear in the mind and ask yourself a proper question: “how to get in the mood for sex?”.

Reasons Why You Can Be Not in the Mood for Sex

First, let's take a look at the statistics: in 6669 British women and 839 men who had one sexual partner throughout the year, 34% of women and 15% of men reported lack of interest in sex.

Female scientists from several universities in Britain conducted a separate study only among the female audience and found that the lack of interest in sex is higher among women who have been in relationships for a year or more. You may be not in the mood for sex more frequently if you are in long-lasting relationships.

Such situations happen in almost all couples at a certain stage of the relationship. Ignoring them is incorrect because of the "snowball" principle, when this, it would seem, not the most serious problem for strong and harmonious couples, can eventually develop into rejection because ignoring a partner in sexual terms in any case sends him a signal " you are not interesting to me and “I do not find you attractive. "

To better understand the problem and find out why am I never in the mood for sex, you need to study a little bit some theoretical aspects regarding sexual desire.

What is a low libido?

Remember the main thing - there is no such thing as a standard of sexual attraction. Each person has his own needs - someone is ready to have sex several times a day, someone feels quite happy if he has sex 2-3 times a week. Always consider this factor. So what puts women in the mood for sex? First of all, these are biochemical features of her organism.

how to get a girl in the mood for sexFor this reason, the desynchronization of sexual desire in even the most sincerely loving, faithful to each other pairing is a phenomenon within the norm. Most of the reasons for this intimate discrepancy are purely psychological and they have nothing to do with pathology in the scientific sense of the word.

Such a terrible word combination as suppressed sexuality is relevant only in cases when intimate life is absent due to constant anguish, depression, and stress, but is not the result of free choice. So do not be afraid if you are denied sex today. Your partner simply does not have the mood for the most banal reasons, and not because of suppressed sexuality.

Before taking any actions and drawing conclusions about yourself or your partner, honestly answer yourself the following questions.

Does your partner really suit you?

The chance to find a truly "one" person is not that great. Think what was the main thing in the first stage of the relationship? Long period of loneliness, short-term lust or other non-serious reasons? For a shallow relationship, the loss of sexual interest to each other after the first stage of attraction is perfectly normal, but, unfortunately, a dead end. The first passion passed, and it became obvious that people are no longer united by anything. It's sad, but it's better to break up right away, without "brain drain".

Are any of you out of shape?

Sex on the level of physical activity is similar to riding a bicycle. It seems to be not very difficult - you do not need to show Olympic records, but you and your partner should be at least healthy and active. Perhaps you should reconsider your diet, the regimen of the day, add some physical activity?

Do your couple have medical problems?

Sometimes problems in the intimate sphere can be a consequence of hormonal disorders, infections, diabetes, neurological problems and other diseases. If you assume that the case is in the health of one of you, do not hesitate - contact a doctor, following advice from men's magazines and advertising booklet is not a good idea.

Problems with drugs or alcohol?

Pay attention to this point. Alcohol, for example, can increase sexual desire during libations, but in a deferred perspective leads to impotence and frigidity. Sometimes a change in sexual behavior may be the first sign of addiction.

A sense of novelty?

If you have a good and harmonious relationship, a lot of common interests, but sex things are not going well recently, think about how to "shake" yourself and your partner a little. Arrange a surprise, pay more attention to her, go together in a sex shop. You definitely have every chance to ignite the flame of passion with renewed vigor!

Maybe you just do not like sex?

Yes, this can be too. Not all people have the temperaments of Latin lovers. In the end, the main thing is that you fit together. Couples and families with almost no sex life may well exist ... and people are sincerely satisfied with this.

In search of the true reasons for the lack of sexual life, do not lose too much time. Conversations with many divorced couples showed that the sexual harmony between the spouses was gone long before they decided to break up. Losing interest in sex can be a chance to improve relationships and look at them from a different angle, as well as the first sign that you are not meant for each other.

And now let’s talk about getting in the mood for sex.

How to Get Her in the Mood for Sex

So how to get a girl in the mood for sex? Just follow our tips.

Treat her like a lady. If you want your girlfriend to have sex with you even when she is not in a mood, then you should treat her like a lady, and not as an element of everyday life, interior design or a private chef. how to get your girlfriend in the mood for sexTo do this, you must be polite, kind, understanding and behave like a true gentleman. Open the doors in front of her, give her your jacket when it's cold, pull a chair for her and help carry her heavy bags. Say compliments about how great she looks, or how she differs from others. A few gentlemanly gestures can raise your lady's mood and then the prospect of sex will not seem to her not too attractive.

Keep your place in order. Surely you like cleanliness. Your girlfriend likes it too. But I bet she is the one who is engaged in cleaning, and you just enjoy the fruits of her labor. Let us leave the philosophical discourse on the division of duties and learn how to get her in the mood for sex. If you want to cheer her up and have sex, just clean up the house. Surprisingly, the purity and appearance of the man engaged in cleaning turn women on. First, you show attention and care. It's already sexy. Secondly, you create the right atmosphere and the girl will necessarily want to thank you for your hard work. But act consistently: if you finish cleaning, hide the mop and immediately pounce on your soul mate as a sex maniac, you hardly will succeed. First, talk to her, offer to drink a glass of wine.

How to get your girlfriend in the mood for sex? Cook a delicious dinner and buy a bottle of wine. Get her rid of the culinary hassle and take upon yourself the sacred duty to turn raw food into something more edible. Try to cook a delicious dinner. The fact is that this activity, despite its seeming simplicity, is rather laborious and requires patience (you need to cut it in equal slices, carefully clean, wait for the allotted time, remember about several dishes, calculate the number of products, check the readiness, etc.). This is very difficult to do if you do not have the appropriate mood. Delicious food is very sexy. And the food cooked by a beloved man is the height of sexual arousal. Any woman will tell you this. Use delicious food as a "female Viagra".

Make a plan for the day off. Regardless of reasons why your girlfriend’s mood is bad, it can be raised up by the interesting schedule of the next weekend, especially if it includes a lot of favorite activities of your better half. It will distract her from current problems and make her think not about what was in the past, but about what will happen in the near future. If the plan turns out to be interesting and successful, then mentally she will already be on the weekend, which is naturally useful for raising the mood. This step will significantly change the mood, it will become more cheerful and happy. Now there is a place for sex with you in her soul, although it does not seem so to her at this moment. Just be patient and proceed from her interests, consider that sex is just a nice bonus for your truly gentlemanly behavior (although we certainly know your true motives, rascal).

Make her feel desired. When it comes to problems with sexual drive, psychologists believe that in the majority of cases, women have felt not in the mood for sex if they don't feel desired. The simplest way to fix this issue is to give her compliments or hints. For example, you can tell her that she is so sexy in her silk lingerie. Rest assured, she will slip in it for your next night

Surprise her with a romantic dinner date. More than 50 percent of women believe that a romantic dinner date is a very nice way to get in the mood. No matter whether you cook dinner by yourself, or order it from a restaurant, your task is to work on the romantic atmosphere of your dinner date.

Kiss her more. Unfortunately, way too often, men underestimate the true power of kisses. Kissing is, probably, the best way to get women in the mood for sex. Don't focus only on her lips, and try kissing other parts of her body. This will surely help to arouse her and get in the mood for sex. You can combine this approach with giving her a massage.

And how to set the mood for sex? Go to the cinema or arrange a home movie viewing. Films, especially comedies, are a real cure for a bad mood. During the viewing, the girl will forget about all her problems or troubles, completely immerse in the plot of the film. Going to the cinema will disperse her bad mood a little. It is better to watch comedies in the big hall, where there are a lot of people, as from the laughter of other spectators everything becomes even more ridiculous to you. However, home viewing is not so bad because you do not have to dress beautifully, do makeup, communicate with people and generally see them. In a bad mood (depending on the cause), other people may even irritate, and not support. If you choose a good film, sex is almost assured to you.

The absence of a momentary sexual attraction is not a terrible tragedy. This problem can be solved, but only with your efforts. Take care of the mental and physical health of your loved one and you will never have such problems.

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