Tips on Making a Good Online Dating Profile


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  1. Making a Great Picture for a Dating Profile
  2. Writing Your Dating Profile: Essential Tips
  3. Tips On Becoming Popular On Dating Apps
  4. Avoid These Mistakes on Your Dating Profile
  5. Do Your Best

The modern world is changing rapidly. Accordingly, traditions, habits, lifestyle, and even ways of dating the opposite sex are changing. Nowadays, millions of people around the world have found true love through online dating sites. But how to find a loved one on the huge World Wide Web? How to write an online dating profile? We would like to bring to your attention the best online dating profile tips.

how to write a dating profile

Making a Great Picture for a Dating Profile

Thanks to the good profile picture, users of a dating site make a good first impression on you. It may be said safely, that a great photo is the basis of your success on dating sites. Therefore, you should pay close attention to choosing the right photo. So, check out 5 best tips on how to create a great photo for your dating profile.

1. Choose a photo where you are alone

Do you have wonderful pictures in which you look attractive but in the company of other people? Do you crave to demonstrate what is important to you and post a photo of your family? Remember that you should not use group pictures as the photo of your profile. In the end, when you search for a loved one, it is only about you, not about your family or friends. If there are other people in the picture, they will just distract the attention of potential partners. Due to the profile picture, a visitor of your profile gets the first impression of you. they want to see your face and eyes. Moreover, everyone who takes interest in your photo and wants to learn more about you and your interests can look at your photo album.

2. Be open and ingenuous

Do you want to encourage other users to write to you? Then you should select a photo where you look straight into the camera. And do not forget about the smile! Find a photo where you are relaxed and smiling. After all, such a picture creates a feeling of openness and makes a positive impression of you. Moreover, avoid photos with different accessories such as sunglasses, hats, etc. – they create the impression that you want to hide your face.

3. Do not make a false impression with your photo

Quite apart from the fact that there is a great temptation to beautify yourself and post a picture where you are five years younger and more slim or muscular, you should not give in to this temptation. After all, you want a user with whom you communicate to be as attractive in private as in their profile photo. If your photo does not correspond to the real appearance, then the first meeting with a person you like will cause disappointment, and no charm and attractiveness will save the situation.

online dating profile tips4. Pay attention to the background

People appreciate not only your posture and natural data but also the background of the photo. Just a pretty face is not enough to spark the interest of a potential partner. Your profile photo should have some kind of story. Perhaps, you have a picture in which you are captured in an unusual situation – surfing the Caribbean, riding a horse, or making your first parachute jump. Besides, an interesting photo on the beach, in the mountains, in a restaurant, or a club will tell other users about your hobbies. Thus, a potential partner will immediately understand if you have something in common and whether it is worth starting an acquaintance with you at all.

5. If you cannot find a suitable photo, take it

Do not have a photo in which you look straight into the camera, smiling? Or at least one that you like? Then it is just a matter of time. Devote time to yourself, you deserve it!

Ask your friend or family member to photograph you against some not very bright background. It is better if the background is light, but you should avoid taking pictures against the light so that the face does not look too gray. Or contact a professional photographer. Your efforts will worth it, as an attractive photo increases the chance to meet a loved one on single women sites.

Writing Your Dating Profile: Essential Tips

If you want to plunge into a romantic adventure and get a lot of new emotions and vivid impressions, then online dating is a great option for you. You should know how to create a good profile on a dating site to find your love as soon as possible. So, there are 8 useful tips on how to write a dating profile.

1. Decide what you want

At first, it may seem like a very easy task. However, if you ask most people why they register on dating sites, in most cases, the only thing they can answer is, "I want to get to know someone." Your individuality will not only help you find the right dating site but also make your online profile more vivid and lively. List what types of relationships are acceptable for you (short-term, long-term, no-strings relationship, or marriage), indicate the preferred age, gender, and sexual orientation of the potential partner. Also, include in your profile such details as the presence of children or your desire to have them.

2. Tell about yourself clearly and fascinatingly

To present yourself on a dating site, you should write as interestingly as possible. Prepare a story of four or five sentences long. Believe us, this is possible. Tell about yourself, your life, hobbies, and passions. Add a little humor to the story, it will increase the chances of success. Also, pay special attention to your interests. Often, it is common hobbies and interests that help people get to know each other better.

3. Come up with an interesting profile description

Most dating sites offer to place brief information about yourself at the beginning of the profile. Most importantly, avoid clichés and platitudes such as “I can't believe I'm on a dating site” or “Ask me something.” Use this opportunity to demonstrate your individuality. It is one of the best dating profile tips.

If you have a good sense of humor and can easily make your friends laugh, write something funny. Share quotes of people you admire or just information that resonates with you. Moreover, various interesting facts and true stories that can be a good catalyst for dialogue work well too. Before publishing your biography, determine the tone and purpose of the profile title. Remember that these words will create the first impression of you.

4. Answer in detail

You should not answer questions about your interests and desires monosyllabically. Let a person enter your life and become a part of it for a short time. To illustrate why this approach is preferable, we would like to demonstrate to you two options for answering the question about your leisure time.

  1. Sports, travel
  2. I am a very active person, I like to be in nature, play volleyball, swim, snowboard, and run in the mornings. Besides, I like to read novels and spend evenings in a cozy atmosphere. Traveling is my passion. I find it very interesting to discover new cultures and countries!

It is one of the most popular dating profile examples. The first answer to the question cannot spark the interest and imagination of a user, reading your profile. Short and abbreviated answers hardly arouse the desire to learn something more about their author and create a distance between people.

The second answer in the dating profile template is formulated in the form of complete sentences and may well affect the reader’s imagination. A visitor to your profile can imagine doing sports or traveling together with you. Such a detailed answer sparks the desire to learn a little more about you and offers a suitable topic for the first conversation. To create an impression of completeness and trust, avoid simple listing and try to find time for a more detailed answer.

5. Avoid general statements

The main task of the best dating profile page is to help you stand out from a large number of other users. But it is impossible if you are limited to general phrases and statements. For example, if you answer the question about the most cherished desire “to find the love of my life,” then keep in mind that most likely, your interlocutor wants the same. And this is typical for all the users of a dating site. Therefore, you cannot stand out from the crowd by such an answer. It is better to look for good dating profile examples for men and make your page interesting and original.

online dating profile6. Be honest

Do it especially in key questions. If you register on a dating site to find a partner for a couple of meetings without any special obligations, it is better to say about it immediately, without deceiving anyone. Also, do not hide the intention to create long-lasting romantic relationships. The more honestly you behave with the interlocutors, the higher the likelihood of finding your person and avoiding disappointments is. Profession, education, and age are also the categories that worth mentioning. Remember! It is better to keep silent about the desire to get married in a couple of weeks, give birth to several children, and receive a chalet on the Cote d'Azur as a present next year.

7. Focus on the positive things

Edit your profile and remove all the negative information. People with great negativity to everything around them always scare the potential partners away. For example, write in your profile that you like strolling and traveling, but do not write that you hate staying at home. Moreover, do not discuss ex-partners in your profile. Nothing kills a romantic mood more than talking about a former relationship.

8. Gain scores

Dating services are interested in active users. Their profiles are always ranked high. Naturally, it increases the number of views and your chance to meet true love.

User activity is determined by:

  • the frequency of updating information,
  • regular updates of photos,
  • correspondence activity,
  • time spent on the site.

Of course, each dating site has its own rating upgrade algorithm, and there may be special secrets on how to gain rating points, but the above-mentioned items work quite well. Therefore, even if the design of your questionnaire on a dating site is done perfectly, you should update the information from time to time. Of course, it does not mean that today you write about yourself one thing, and in a week, you write the exact opposite. You can add or remove hobbies or simply formulate sentences in a different way. Also, you can increase the rating by updating photos.

If possible, visit the site daily. Even if you do not have time for communication, just visit the service for a couple of minutes. Always reply to messages, even if a candidate is not interesting to you, you can politely refuse communication with them. Following these tips, you will quickly increase the rating of your profile and maintain it. And, of course, you should re-read the rules for using a dating site – most developers give tips on how to gain rating points on their service.

Tips On Becoming Popular On Dating Apps

Stefan-Pierre Tomlin was officially awarded the title of the most attractive man of the “Tinder” back in 2017. From that moment, the 29-year-old presenter and model from London managed to become famous and make a coach’s career. So if you were thinking about how to create the perfect profile, you are unlikely to find a person who would better understand this.

The first photo should be with a rich contrasting background

Yellow and blue colors are especially suitable - they will help to stand out from the crowd. In Tinder, you have half a second to decide if you like someone so much so that you read his profile. Therefore, it is important that the first photo is beautiful and stands out from the others.

Add at least one sexy holiday photo

The one where you show your body and the fact that you know how to enjoy life. There must be a snapshot where you relax. It will work exactly.

Make sure that on each of your photos you are doing something interesting

And that you look sincere. Usually, people are looking for someone "different", so if you want to stand out, you need not staged photos. Share your hobbies

The most ideal time for Tinder is Sunday 14 hours

80% of users simply enjoy their day off by quickly browsing through profiles. Sunday at 2 p.m. is the peak. This is because everyone has already come to their senses after a stormy night and is sitting at home in their telephones - especially in winter. And they are also trying to plan their free time in the coming week.

To make more matches on weekdays, it is better to go after 22:30

Ten in the evening on a weekday is also a good time. Before going to bed, quickly scroll through the Instagram feed, as well as profiles in the Tinder to check what’s new.

Avoid These Mistakes on Your Dating Profile

How to please potential partners and attract their attention? What profile data can scare other users away from dating?

Being too cocky

Arrogance and boasting do not cause any interest but only repel potential partners. For example, some men are very fond of posting pretentious photos near a car. They are divided into 2 categories.

1. A pretentious photo near his car. As a rule, this photo is taken against a background of dirty cheap car. But don't take this the wrong way. It's not about the car, but how this photo is presented. The expectations of such photos are: a cool gangster against the background of his Benz truck. Reality is: a cockerel on the background of a cheap car.

2. A pretentious photo near the car at the exhibition. What do people want to say with this photo? "Look what a cool car I saw at the exhibition!" Why do they post such photos on dating sites? Do you look well there? No. Will girls believe that this is your car? No. So come down to earth! Do not be too cocky and haughty. Women do not like such pretentious guys.

Lying about yourself

Unfortunately, a large number of dating sites users makes this mistake. Girls and boys want to make a good first impression and look better than they are. Therefore, they post other people's photos or their own, but taken 10-15 years ago, when they were young, slim, and beautiful. No matter how strong the deception is, it will be revealed in real communication, and the first impression of a liar will be irreparably spoiled. So be honest.

Pictures with naked abs

These photos should show all the sexuality of a man. But no, they don’t do it. Home joggers and naked abs are not the best options for a profile photo. You should not immediately take the bull by the horns and bare your body as much as possible. Not all girls like this – many ladies find such photos too frank and intimate. They may not mind admiring your ideal abs in personal correspondence, but not everyone will be thrilled with such a photo in your online dating profile.

how to write an online dating profileToo many demands

Do not list all the physical parameters that you would like to see in your chosen one. In addition to the fact that such claims make a repulsive impression, the question arises, “Do you look like Apollo Belvedere?” Even if a girl looks like a supermodel, most probably, she will be scared by the long list of your demands. Besides, a lot of women have low self-esteem and depreciate their physical attractiveness. So, too many demands do not work in a single woman dating. The same goes for too many female requirements for men. Remember, there are no perfect people! Too many demands can frighten off even the most courageous and confident men.


Every day, users of dating sites receive a large number of messages of the same type, “Hello! How are you? Let’s get to know each other!” There are various options, but in most scenarios, people who want to get acquainted with someone do not show any originality. People pay at least some attention to such messages on the first day of using a dating site, but later, they do not cause any desire to waste time on them.

If you do not want your message to be ignored, then you should make it original. To do this, you do not need to contrive anything, you just should carefully study the profile page of a person you are interested in. Firstly, it allows you to immediately drop out the unsuitable candidates. Secondly, it provides a topic for the first conversation.

Do Your Best

When choosing dating profile pictures, you should give pride of place to simple but natural photos. Moreover, try to tell about yourself in detail when filling out the profile information, be sure to check the text for mistakes, and refrain from "searching for the love of a lifetime" and other cliches. Do not hide your interests and merits but avoid excessive pride. And do not forget about the positive mood – you are looking for love but not a shoulder to cry on!

Armed by new knowledge and short dating profile examples, you can create a more striking profile page, attract more attention of the users, avoid a lot of typical mistakes when filling out a questionnaire on a dating site, and increase your chances of a successful acquaintance. Good luck!

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