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Dec 13,2018
Everyone can face domestic abuse. However, it is often underestimated, justified, or simply denied. Especially often – when it comes to psychological violence, not physical. To notice and recognize its presence in your relationship is to take the first step towards liberation. No one should live in fear of the person one loves.
Nov 22,2018
In this article, we will tell you whether it is worth giving a second chance to the ex after a break.
Nov 15,2018
What do we know about Portugal?
Nov 05,2018
Periodically, people ask themselves the question: “How long should you meet before the wedding or a civil marriage?” There are hundreds of stories that allowed us to formulate an opinion on this account. This will not be a recipe for family happiness, but it may save you from some illusions.
Oct 31,2018
Finding love for a disabled person is not difficult - nowadays there are lots of beautiful guys and girls of any age. It is not difficult to fall in love with a disabled person - you cannot tell your heart what to do and whom to choose.
Italian women are beautiful, they are fierce, fiery and are like no other women on the planet Earth.
So, let’s figure everything out about relationships with them.
Oct 19,2018
The vast majority of people don't see any problem in carrying emotional baggage, but actually it impacts almost every aspect of our life. It can affect your work, your family and your relationships. Especially relationships, as dating someone with emotional baggage is not that simple as it may seem. If you want to make your life easier, you need to learn how to deal with emotional baggage and how to let it go.
Oct 05,2018
Breakups are the same part of life as the meetings. Some people come into your life for a couple of weeks, others stay for several months, and there are those who stick around for years. In any case, if the breakup occurs, then this is a kind of logical end to the relationship, which is preceded by long conversations, or at least, a single talk. However, what can you say about the beloved partner who has left you without saying goodbye? Have you faced an example of a ghosting relationship?
Is there such a thing as love at first sight? It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that in its attitude towards love at first sight, humanity is divided into two categories: some believe that true love at first sight exists, others are firmly confirmed that this is a mere fable.
You can be a couple who find romance in relaxation or adventure.
Oct 04,2018
The habit of over thinking over analyzing a relationship without the slightest reason is a common thing, which should be dealt with. Over analyzing anxiety brings pain to both partners, even when only one is suffering from it.