Summer Fling Tips, Safety Advice, and Rules


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  1. What Is a Summer Fling?
  2. Major Rules of a Summer Fling
  3. The Main Dangers of Summer Flings
  4. Tips for a Good Summer Fling
  5. Bottom Line

Summer is not only a period of well-deserved vacations but also a time when you can escape from the inescapable thoughts and finally take some relaxation, forgetting about all the chores and worries of everyday life that bother you. Acquaintances that people start on vacation invite to a pleasant, carefree, and fun pastime. And so, today we are going to talk about summer fling relationships. What is it and how to have a fling to make summer holidays unforgettable? Let's start with summer fling meaning.

how to have a fling

What Is a Summer Fling?

Have you ever wondered, “What is a fling with someone?” In other words, a fling is a short-term love affair. Consequently, a summer fling is a romantic relationship created just for relaxation and entertainment during summer vacation. This is a fleeting and vibrant romantic story that does not imply any continuation and obligations. But in many ways, it is in this lightness that the whole charm of a summer fling lies.

Why do people engage in summer fling relations? With the onset of summer and warm sunny weather, cynicism and pessimism in people melt away like ice cream on a hot day. You can refer to summer flings as you wish, but the fact remains – many people are looking forward to starting them. Almost half of women go on a summer vacation with the desire to succumb to the romantic euphoria, and more than 80% of men are not averse to start single woman dating or continue a pleasant acquaintance with a long-legged beauty in the bedroom.

Some statistics about summer flings

  • Only 10% of summer flings end in a serious relationship.
  • 90% of men perceive a summer fling just as a fleeting affair, but most women secretly hope to find a partner for a serious relationship.

Family men are more likely to indulge in a summer love story than women who already have a beloved.

Major Rules of a Summer Fling

To make a summer fling unforgettable and breathtaking and protect yourself from the possible dangers of such a love affair, check out the major rules of summer fling relations.

1. Do not hold out hope for something serious

Remember that a summer fling never obliges anyone to anything. It is ludicrous to believe that such an affair will lead to a serious relationship if you live thousands of kilometers away from each other. If you decide to try this type of relationship – treat it like going to the movies. You watch a film, get impressed, and forget it.

fling relationship rules2. Do not lose vigilance

The first and most important rule of a summer fling is safety. Obviously, you should not let a new acquaintance into your secrets. It is unlikely that your salary level or any other information of a similar nature can brighten a summer evening and bring something valuable and interesting into your relationship. Rather, it should become a cause for doubt in a new acquaintance. Your interlocutor is a complete stranger to you, and therefore, you should not expose yourself to the risk by pouring your heart out. And in general, you should bear in mind that the information a new acquaintance has provided to you is not necessarily true.

3. Take care of your money and documents

If you are away on a summer vacation and going out on a date with someone, take only cash – just as much as you are going to spend. This is also relevant to the group date ideas. It is better to leave credit cards and documents in the safe of a hotel. Instead of the passport, take with you only its copy. Also, it is better not to wear collectible watches and costly jewelry on a date. Moreover, do not lend money to a new acquaintance no matter what happens. You know this person only a few days, so you should not risk being deceived and left without money.

4. Practice safe sex

Another rule for your safety during a summer fling is the need to protect yourself during sexual intercourse. Admit it, you need to bring from vacation pleasant impressions, vivid photographs, and local souvenirs, but not sexually transmitted diseases that you will need to treat for quite a long time. By the way, cautiousness in this sense will help you avoid unwanted pregnancy, which may well be the result of unprotected sex.

5. Leave all your problems at home

It is quixotic to count on a true love story on summer vacation if you are going there being deeply unhappy. You need to prepare yourself even for such a simple relationship, and the oppressive sorrows do not contribute to this. In case you have too many personal problems, it is better to take care of your emotional and physical health and just feel the refreshment of your mind and body being on a vacation.

6. Forget about the past and future for a while

This is another important rule on how to have a summer fling. Once you meet someone for a summer fling, do not make naive plans for a long life together or strive to take revenge in case you want to forget your previous failed relationship. The whole point and charm of the summer fling consist only in what is happening between the two of you here and now. And any fantasies about the future or images from the past can just disturb you – as they say, “Two is a company, three is none.”

7. Be ready for difficulties

Let’s imagine that the scenario of your summer fling is in good progress, and it – contrary to skeptic expectations – has been continued despite the end of the vacation. In this case, it is important to prepare yourself for the fact that such a relationship will not develop as cloudlessly as on the shore of the warm sea. Indeed, now, instead of spending time on the beach, you need to go to work and perform thousands of duties, including the household. So, it is not surprising that the nature of your relationship will change. Of course, it does not mean that in the context of the new conditions, there is no place for such relations, you just need to adapt to the new circumstances, and this requires a certain share of efforts.

Building relationships with a person who lives in another city or country is difficult too. At first, visiting each other and chatting through a variety of instant messengers will add a romantic touch to your life, but over time, the frequency and activity of your meetings will decrease or can even disappear completely. To prevent this from happening, you will need to work on your relationship, which can also turn out to be a daunting task.

The Main Dangers of Summer Flings

Summer flings can not only mend the pieces of your broken heart but also lead to a new love drama. To protect yourself from unintended consequences, you should know about the main dangers of summer flings.

Acquaintance and development of attachment between people during a summer fling occur according to the accelerated scenario. In fact, you rush into relations with a person whom you practically do not know at all. There is no guarantee that you will not become easy prey for gigolos, scammers, or thieves.

The second danger of summer flings is men who already have families. They arrive at the resort, leaving their beloved women and children at home, so they seek to get as many sexual adventures as possible in the short term.

The third danger of summer flings is unwanted pregnancy and the risk of getting different sexually transmitted infections since people often neglect contraception when engaging in sexual relations with strangers.

what is a fling with someoneTips for a Good Summer Fling

According to statistics, more than half of people who go on a vacation alone rely not only on relaxation and health improvement but also on a bright and unforgettable resort romance. If you are one of them, you should know some useful tips for a good summer fling.

1. Get out of embarrassment

Of course, such feelings like shame and shyness have no place on the seacoast. Do you feel that an outbreak of slight madness is about to carry you away? Well, it is great! After all, this is how you will get a real opportunity to have fun. Sexy, sunbathed, and nice-looking you will attract admiring glances of the opposite sex just like a magnet and experience real joy from this. Actually, summer vacation is given to you so that you can relax to the utmost, and if for this you need to flirt a little, then why not do it?

2. Think about the image of your perfect partner in advance

You should think in advance what type of men or women you would like to meet for a summer fling. What do you expect from such a relationship and how far are you willing to go? What is acceptable for you, and what will be a violation of your borders? Think over it all in advance, until you get caught in the toils of overwhelming emotions.

3. Become different

To feel more confident in communication with the opposite sex and make a summer fling successful, psychologists advise trying to play the role that you have long dreamed of, but at the same time, remain yourself deep in mind. So, if you are modest and bashful in everyday life and envy your brave and unselfconscious friend, why not become such a person for a short time? And if you are strict and serious, allow yourself to become cheerful and frivolous for a while. It will help you become more relaxed and understand whether the role of someone else is really nice and attractive or it only seems so.

4. Enjoy the moment

To avoid disappointment from a summer fling, you should not fix on any time frames of the past or future. There is no need to enter into a new - even temporary - relationship for a specific purpose, for example, to find a life partner or take revenge on an ex-partner with whom you broke up on the eve of the vacation trip. Let summer fling relations exist and develop on their own and do not worry about what they will result in – a happy long-term relationship, sweet revenge, or a classic holiday romance. Just let it ride!

5. Do not let your friends into a summer fling

It is good if your friends are one of those people you can rely on. But still, you should not let them into the details of your summer fling. In addition to the awakening of a simple human desire to gossip, you put them into an awkward position, especially if they are familiar with your loved one whom you are going to cheat on. Or maybe their personal moral and ethical values are different from yours. It is possible to come up with many more reasons why you should not let your friends know about the summer fling. Just do not do this, do not lay a trap for your friendship!

6. Score a full ride

The short-term and seemingly frivolous nature of a summer fling is a great reason to score a full ride, receiving real pleasure not only from every day and hour but also from every minute and second of your holiday. On vacation, there are no behavioral constraints, so you can afford much more – including in relationships with a resort partner. But of course, you should always remember about a sense of moderation: after all, it is not worth dancing on the table without clothes.

summer fling meaning7. Do not be afraid to take initiative in romantic acquaintances

In ordinary life, people are restrained by a lot of conventionalities: everyday problems, long-standing relationships, work subordination, office dress code. They often simply do not have enough time to manifest their desires and try to fulfill them. Therefore, being on a summer vacation, take advantage of this moment of disengagement from the usual liabilities, duties, and roles and do not hesitate to approach a person you like and take initiative in a romantic acquaintance if you want it.

8. Do not swap contacts

If you are completely confident that a summer fling will end with your vacation, do not give a partner the exact address of your residence or swap any contacts. Even adding each other to friends in social networks can lead to negative consequences. You are not going to continue the relationship, why give a person the opportunity to find and contact you at any time?

9. Take care of mental clarity

It is difficult to observe the very norm of temperance during summer vacation when you really want to relax drinking a couple of exotic cocktails and dancing to the summer fling songs. But if you want to make a vacation fling unforgettable, you should not drink a lot of alcohol or use any narcotic substances that can obfuscate your mind, otherwise, you risk not only violating all the above-mentioned points but also not noticing the fling itself.

10. Do not cherish idle hopes

You should remember that a summer fling is just a way to relax and escape from everyday problems and worries. Therefore, do not cherish idle hopes that your romantic adventure will have any serious consequences after the end of the vacation. Such an attitude will save you from emotional upheaval and regrets in the future. It is better to immediately agree with a partner that your relationship is temporary – only for the period of vacation, after which you will break-up without mutual complaints.

Bottom Line

A summer fling can make your vacation unforgettable and fill you with confidence, positive energy, and inspiration. In addition, it allows you to try on a new social role, profession, and lifestyle. You can experiment, intrigue, and take risks that you would never dare in ordinary life. Summer flings always leave strong impressions in the memory of people, but it depends on you whether these memories will be positive or negative. After all, a summer fling can become an amazing romantic adventure for you, but at the same time, you can get into the clutches of a strong emotional dependence or lose money, health, and peace of mind. Therefore, follow the above-mentioned fling relationship rules and helpful tips, and your summer fling will be definitely be successful. Get a good rest and pleasant romantic acquaintances!

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