How to Get a Ukrainian Girlfriend: a Complete Guide


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  1. What’s so peculiar about Ukrainian girls?
  2. Most beautiful Ukrainian actresses
  3. A complete guide to Russian girls
  4. In conclusion

There are so many men all around the world dreaming about Ukrainian ladies. However, most of them will never make the first step to approach one. But finding a Ukrainian girlfriend would have been much easier if guys knew that there’s nothing complicated about it. Nowadays, the Web is full of all sorts of guides, tips, and other articles about Ukrainian dating, but still, these Slavic beauties seem unapproachable and mysterious. But we’re about to change that.

But let’s not get straight to business just yet and talk about Ukrainian women in general. Before proceeding to the article itself, we should mention that Ukrainian cultural aspects have nothing to do with ones in the rest of the world. After all, no one would even look at girls from Ukraine if not for the peculiarities of their personalities. On the other hand, to win the heart of a Slavic girl, one needs to know at least some basics of Ukrainian culture. The article below will tell you how to find a Ukrainian girlfriend, ask her out on a date, and impress her.

Russian women dating

What’s so peculiar about Ukrainian girls?

Women from Slavic countries like Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus always stood out among their Western counterparts due to their peculiarities. And here comes the question: what are those peculiarities? What makes men say “I want a Ukrainian girlfriend?” Here are some answers for you.

They know how to be grateful

This trait probably encourages guys to get a Ukrainian girl the most, as men usually appreciate women who can be grateful. Slavic ladies know that by demanding and criticizing, they won’t get anything from the man.

Attractive facial features

Most Ukrainian girls can attract any man just by giving them a pretty smile or looking at them. Seeing a beautiful lady by your side is always a pleasure. Therefore, Slavic women pay much attention to their makeup and use tons of beauty masks.

They put needs of a family above theirs

How can you resist a woman who devotes so much of her time to you? Such character trait means that you won’t have to solve your Ukrainian girlfriend’s problems, as she can handle them on her own.

These women are graceful

Gracefulness in moves and gestures is what makes women feminine and draws men’s attention to them. Back in the old days, being graceful was considered a skill. Most Ukrainian girls still own this skill.

Russian girlfriendSlim figures

A sexy, slim figure tells men that a girl tries to keep fit and probably knows how to please her partner in bed. A lot of guys, who dream about dating Ukrainian girls, don’t even bother looking at women’s faces; they are interested in slim bodies. Beautiful, big breasts have always been making men lose their minds, and that’s what all Ukrainian women have.

They know what empathy means

Sure, such attributes as a beautiful face, slim figure, and femininity are important, but when we’re talking about finding a girlfriend, men prefer empathetic women. Such ladies are more suitable for creating stable, long-term relationships. Ukrainian women possess a lot more attributes and character traits, including sincerity and self-confidence. But most guys usually seek only those qualities that were mentioned above.

Most Beautiful Ukrainian Actresses

If you still hesitate whether you should date a Ukrainian woman, we suggest you get acquainted with a few beauties from the film industry! These women will remind you once more why Ukrainian girls are considered one of the most beautiful in the world.

Olga Storozhuk

Olga was born in 1984 in Kiev. Having externally graduated from high school with a gold medal, she won a FLEX scholarship from the American government and went to study in the USA. She graduated from Umatilla High School in Florida with a degree in marketing. In 2004, she began working in a leading modeling agency in Ukraine and acting in commercials. She graduated from New York Film Academy. She made her debut in the adventure thriller "Adit". She also starred in the TV series "Territory of Beauty", in the melodrama "Her Heart", in the series "By Law", "Rage".

Anna Salivanchuk

Anna Salivanchuk made her debut in 2007: the 22-year-old actress starred in a cameo role in the 4th episode of the 4th season of the series “The Return of Mukhtar”. Two years later, when season 5 was broadcast, the girl appeared in two more episodes. 2014 made Anna widely popular. It was then when the TET channel launched the sitcom “Once Upon a Time in Poltava”.

Mila Sivatskaya

Ukrainian actress, presenter, singer, model, and athlete. She was the star of the Ukrainian show “The Voice. Kids". She starred in the TV series Threads of Fate, Wounded Heart, Rain Flowers, as well as in the full-length comedy The Last Knight and the horror film Synevyr.

Anna Koshmal

Anna became famous thanks to the role of Zhenya in the “Matchmakers” series. The actress also starred in the projects "Servant of the People", "Village for a Million", "Good Guy" and many others. Anna Koshmal talks a little about her personal life, while the family for the actress is of special value. The girl loves animals and has been a vegeterian for more than two years. The 23-year-old Koshmal is considered one of the most promising Ukrainian actresses.

A complete guide to Russian girls

Now let’s get down to the main topic of the article, that is, Ukrainian women dating. Even in the age of the Internet, keeping contact with a girl from a different country is harder than it seems. And the chances of starting a relationship with her are low. To avoid failures, you may need to learn a couple of tips and tricks on how to find a Ukrainian girlfriend and keep her interested long enough to make a good impression of yourself.

Tip number one: how to meet a Russian girl

In general, all Ukrainian ladies are curious and will never miss a chance to meet a foreigner, which works for you. But here comes the bad thing: the number of young girls who speak English in Ukraine is still quite low, so you may have to overcome the language barrier. But once you do this, everything should go smoothly.

When it comes to choosing a place to meet a Ukrainian girl, a dating website would be the best choice, as here you can pick one up without putting much effort. On the other hand, this will cost you a lot in the long run, considering that you’ll have to either pay your lady a visit in Ukraine or bring her to your home country. But if your bank account is doing fine, you’re free to try.

If you live in a major city, there may be a chance that there’s a small Ukrainian community there. This means that you can check out the nearest Ukrainian café or nightclub to see if you can meet a single Slavic beauty there. This variant is much cheaper than the first one, but there’s one little drawback: Ukrainian girls, who live abroad, are not as interested in meeting foreigners as those, who live in their home country. For them, you’re just an ordinary guy.

get a Russian girlAnd there’s the third option. You can skip the online search and book a flight to Kiev or Lviv. Is it expensive? Yes. Is it uncomfortable? No doubt it is. But this way you take the fight to the enemy territory. Once you get off the plane, you get surrounded by thousands of pretty Ukrainian girls. Besides, you don’t need to look for specific spots to meet a potential girlfriend; just visit any bar, restaurant, or nightclub. And you still have your main advantage: you’re a foreigner, which automatically makes you a hundred times more interesting than the rest of the guys around you. From this point, everything depends only on your communication skills.

As for speaking to Ukrainian girls, you should know that there’s no point in making up facts from your biography, trying to seem like someone you’re definitely not. As soon as you say the first phrase in English (or another language, but the chances that your potential companion knows, for example, German or French are slim to none), you get the girl’s undivided attention.

So, you approached a lady. What’s next? Well, it depends on your goals; let’s say they are decent and your intentions are serious. In this case, you should act like a gentleman. Although some Ukrainian chicks wouldn’t mind having fun with you, most girls are looking for a stable, long-term partner, and a guy, who hints at a one-night stand right from the start, doesn’t look like one. Oh, and don’t forget to smile. Your job now is to come across as a cheerful and a positive man. Share a bit of your happiness and enthusiasm with her.

It would be great to have a couple of special phrases up your sleeve. There’s no better way to draw a woman’s attention to you than saying something interesting to start a conversation. Most Ukrainian guys don’t bother making up new ways to get acquainted with the girl, so ladies in Ukraine are sick of standard phrases, like “Are you waiting for someone” or “Let me guess what you’re drinking.” Say something unexpected, for instance, “Hey, I got two tickets to Los Angeles. Want to come with me?” But don’t be too intrusive, Ukrainians don’t like people violating their personal space. Make sure that there is at least one-foot distance between you.

Tip number two: how to impress a Ukrainian girl

1) Show your communication skills. There’s a simple way to make a Ukrainian girl interested in you without wasting a lot of money on gifts or drinks at the bar: just let her know that you’re a good conversationalist. Talk about music and movies (Ukrainians love foreign artists and films). If you have an interesting hobby, like alpinism, be sure to tell her about that. Stay open, don’t make up too many facts about your life, and the girl will be impressed with your sincerity.

2) When it comes to impressing a Ukrainian girl, the best way to do it is to pay attention to her. Keep asking her about her hobbies, favorite books, films, stuff like that. Show that you’re interested in learning as much as possible about her. Use this conversation as an opportunity to find out what kind of a present she would be happy to get (just in case).

3) Don’t get your eyes off her. By keeping an eye contact with your Ukrainian companion, you kill two birds with one stone. First, you build a connection between the two of you. Second, you impress her with your self-confidence, as only self-confident guys have enough strength to look into someone’s eyes for more than a couple of seconds.

4) Always smile. There’s one important thing you should remember: when dating Ukrainian women, your smile should always be sincere. So make sure that yours looks real. Practice it in front of the mirror, for example. A nice smile together with an eye contact gives you more chances to impress your companion when having a chat.

Tip number three: how to ask a Ukrainian girl out

This problem goes far beyond Ukrainian girls dating: a lot of men simply don’t know how to ask a girl out. If you’re afraid to make a step and invite your Slavic girlfriend somewhere, here are three steps that will help you.

1) Come up with at least two spots to take your Ukrainian girlfriend beforehand. Why you need more than one option? When you have a backup plan, you won’t have to make something up on the go if your woman refuses to go to a place you chose first. So apart from offering her to have dinner at a local restaurant, be prepared to ask her out to a park or to see an art exhibition. It’s better to take a Ukrainian girl to some interesting and exciting place, but if you don’t have one, a park or café will work. After all, the place is secondary; the only one that matters is your companion.

2) Come up with a place and time you meet. It’s great if you have a car, so you could pick the girl up right from her apartment, but you can also meet at the nearest subway station or square. Besides, it would be great to know all the local landmarks in case if your girlfriend gets lost.

dating Russian women3) You should sound as a self-confident guy when asking a Ukrainian girl out, so repeat the phrase you’re going to say to her a few times.

Now it’s time to call her. Don’t start with asking her out; have a little chat for a minute or so. Only after that, you can invite her, starting with the first place you chose. If she refuses, offer her your second option. If she’s not interested again, well, better luck next week.

Tip number four: what you shouldn’t talk about on a date with a Ukrainian girl

Watch what you say on the first date! Remember that a girl sitting next to you is not your old friend. Besides, your main goal is to keep your companion interested in you. To make sure that your first date doesn’t fail, here are three things you should never mention.

1) Your ex. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that a first date is not the best place to talk about your ex. There are a lot of reasons for that, but the main one is that you may unintentionally show your shortcomings. For instance, when talking about how annoying your ex was, you may accidentally mention that you cheated on her. And that’s not good at all.

2) Sex. That’s definitely not the best thing to discuss on a date with a Ukrainian girl. Such topics are too intimate for them, so it’s better to stay away from talks about sex until you get closer.

3) Health issues. No one would like to find out about their partner’s health problems on the first date. Trust us – by mentioning that you have diabetes (heartburn, chronic constipation, whatever), you won’t win the woman’s heart.

In conclusion

Most of these tips are just examples of how to find a Ukrainian girl and what to do with her. You’re free to experiment and come up with your own scenarios. And here’s one last thing: don’t try to take a Ukrainian girl into your bed right on the first date. Be patient and move towards your goal step by step.

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