Refund policy


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Refund Policy

Thank you for using our Services. Please read this Refund Policy carefully before purchasing the Credits or claiming a refund.

You shall always apply for a refund to us BEFORE applying to your bank, card issuer or payment service provider for a chargeback. Should you not follow this simple rule and apply directly to your bank, card issuer or payment service provider for a chargeback without first following our Refund Policy, we may be entitled to bring legal action against you to recover any resulting losses that we may suffer as provided in our Terms and Conditions of Service.

Before you continue reading this Policy, we would like to remind you that we are NOT a marriage agency.  We are simply a platform for communication where you may use the Services to submit and receive Content (text, photos, videos, video-chats, pictures, graphics, messages and other content, data or information of any kind) to/from other Members via tools and features of the Services.

We DO NOT provide the services of searching for a wife, assistance in creating a family, organization of personal meetings with women, organization of personal communication and other similar services.

Remember that you are solely responsible for, and assume all liability regarding your interactions and communications with Members through the Services and all possible consequences or outcomes of such interactions and communications.

While using the Services you communicate with real people therefore you assume and accept a possibility of being insulted, cheated, humiliated or otherwise. We are NOT responsible for the Members’ behavior both online and offline, including the refusal to communicate with other Member, detection of the fact that any Member is married, or in a relationship, or is not whom s/he pretends to be.

THUS, we provide NO refunds by reason of not meeting your expectations while using the Site or dissatisfaction with communication and/or anticipated outcome of communication with any Member of the Site. We insist that you read our Terms and Conditions of Service again for full and comprehensive understanding of the Services nature.                          

Fees paid, Credits purchased and Credits spent are NOT REFUNDABLE unless otherwise EXPRESSLY stated in this Refund Policy and Terms of Use.

In case of conflict between this Refund Policy and our Terms and Conditions of Service, Terms and Conditions of Service will prevail.

To deliver you an excellent customer experience we may provide exceptional refunds not outlined in this Policy at our sole and absolute discretion depending on the situation and the circumstances.

For your convenience we have summarised our Refund Policy in the below table.


ConditionRefund form Refund typeAmountTime Limit

(1) You cancel any of your Credits purchase


(a)  Full amount of fees paid for Credits if you have not redeemed any amount of Credits for the Services.


(b) Money equivalent for any unused Credits calculated according to Section Credits to Money Refund Conversion Rate of this Policy if you redeemed any amount of Credits for the Services.

Within fourteen (14) days following your payment to us.

(2) Duplicate payment occurred

Within one hundred and eighty (180) days following your payment to us.

(3) The transaction was not authorised by you if confirmed by our internal investigation.
(4) Ordered Gift delivery has been cancelled.Credits

Full amount of used Credits.

Refund is processed automatically. 
(5) Your request for personal contact details of a Member sent through our Site has been declined by the Member.
(6) We have not provided the Services that you paid for due to a Technical Issue*.

Within fourteen (14) days following the occurrence of the reason for refund.

(7) You applied for account termination.MoneyVoluntary*Money equivalent for any unused Credits calculated according to Section Credits to Money Refund Conversion Rate of this Policy.

Within one hundred and eighty (180) days following any purchase of Credits

(8) Your account or access to the Services is terminated by us for no reason or if we discontinue availability of some or all of the Services.

Refund may be paid within ten (10) business days period following account termination.

(9) You find the provided Services to be deficient.*Credits

Amount of Credits spent but not more than 50 Credits in total per single reported issue


Within fourteen (14) days following the occurrence of the reason for refund.

(10) You have been deceived by a Member or by a third person on our Site. Please see the Note on Deception below*

Full amount of used Credits.


*Voluntary Refund - a situation when you are not entitled to claim a refund, however, the refund is voluntary provided by us at our sole and absolute discretion on case by case basis.

*Technical Issue - an event or a series of events that take place on our side, as Service provider, for a short or substantial period of time which caused defective Services provision, such as technical problems with online chat, sending letters, video streaming, gifts delivery or other.

*Deficiency of the Services - service of improper quality (for example, bad quality of communication translation, Live Video Chat of poor video quality, etc.)

*Note on Deception: While we are taking steps to reduce the possibility of deception on our Site, meeting new people on the Internet always carries the possibility of deception. If you have been deceived, we refund Credits spent by you while communicating with a Member involved in the deception. However, this would be your sole remedy against us.

If you fail to comply with time limit indicated in the table above, your Request for Refund shall not be honored and no refund may be provided.

We NEVER provide a refund to you if your account is terminated by reason of violation of our Terms of Use


Special offers for Members may be available on the Site. For instance: (i) EUR 5 - 25 Credits, and (ii) EUR 10 – 50 Credits, or any other Credits with discount.

These special offers are never refundable.


The amount of money refund shall be calculated according to our conversion rate of USD or EUR 0.4 per one (1) Credit. If you purchased Credits both in USD and EUR, you will receive a refund in the currency of your last transaction.

Non-refundable Credits Rule

When you purchase special offer Credits or allotted free Credits and have regular Credits, the rule “first got, first consumed” shall apply while calculating a refund. For instance, you purchased 50 special offer Credits for EUR 10 and 60 Credits for EUR 33. Later you spent 60 Credits with the remaining balance of 50 Credits. In case of refund you will receive 50 x 0.4 = EUR 20.


If you believe that you are entitled to refund, please send a Request for Refund to our authorized support e-mail: [email protected].

Request for Refund shall contain all of the following:

(a)    date of the request;

(b)    precise formulation of all reasons for respective request;

(c)    your name and a copy of your registration details;

(d)    relevant information and any supporting evidence where applicable;

(e)    female User ID(s) if your request induced by inappropriate activity of such User(s).

Our support may request any additional information if we reasonably believe that you submitted insufficient evidences in your Request for Refund.

All the provided information in Request for Refund shall be true and correct. Otherwise, the request shall be presumed false and, therefore, dismissed.

We shall process your Request for Refund as soon as possible, but be advised that we are entitled for a ten (10) business days period to review your request.

In the event of a refund you agree that you may receive the money by bank transfer or Paypal.

EXAMPLE: you purchased 250 Credits for EUR 112. After 13 days of purchase date you redeemed 7 Credits for outgoing letter. Remaining balance is 243 Credits. 10 days later you decided to terminate your account and request a money refund. In such case, you are entitled to apply for voluntary money refund. Further, you calculate conversion rate for your remaining balance, which would be 243 x 0.4 = EUR 97.2. After that you check time limits according to the table. In this example, it is one hundred and eighty (180) days following any purchase of Credits. Taking into consideration that only 23 days passed since the date of Credits purchase, you may file a Request for Refund to our support at [email protected] . In your Request for Refund you must indicate (a) date of the request (Request for Refund dated ***); (b) precise formulation of all reasons  for respective request (termination of account); (c) your name and a copy of your registration details (your name and account number ID). Should your Request for Refund be approved by us, you will receive a refund of EUR 97.2 to your bank card or PayPal depending on your choice.


Last updated on: October 12, 2022

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