Questions to Ask a Girl Online Before Going on a Real Date


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  1. Main things you should know before going on a real date
  2. Useful question you should ask before a date
  3. Signs you should stay away from a date based on the questions
  4. Does a New Relationship Have a Common Future?

It is much easier for those people who are already familiar with each other to make conversation since there are already the first points of contact and, accordingly, common topics. For those whose first date is, in fact, an acquaintance (for example, the first meeting “in real life” after communicating on the Internet), this is a serious test. Embarrassment, awkwardness, and pauses – these are the typical difficulties faced by guys and girls on their first date.

But if you communicate long enough before going on a date, it will not be difficult to make conversation. For guys who are not so sociable and self-confident, don’t know how to start a conversation on hot women dating sites, and especially if they have their first date, it can be somewhat more difficult: they think about what to talk with a girl, what questions she needs to be asked, what can I ask on the Internet and what to leave for a date, should I ask the girl how her day was before I ask her out on a date, what topics to come up with so that she feels interested and fun. If you are one of such guys, then use the questions from this article.

questions to ask a girl before you date

Main things you should know before going on a real date

Properly asked questions on a date will help you learn a lot about a woman and the prospects of relations with her. But so that the meeting doesn’t turn into painful torture, it is worth preparing in advance and meet single girl online first. So, if you chat on the Internet, then ask her opinion about the following things:

Plans for future

What to ask a girl before asking to go on a date? People think a lot about their future and this topic will certainly be discussed one way or another. It is especially important for men to know about the woman’s plans for the future but most are afraid to scare the girl with such a serious matter. Therefore, instead of asking about plans, ask a question about what she wants to achieve. This will not make her think about the wedding and children but will give you the opportunity to learn about what remarkable or exciting she wants to do in life. Maybe she wants to climb Everest or learn to embroider. In any case, this will allow you to look at her innermost desires.

Current relationship status

Such questions to ask a girl before the first date may seem strange to someone, someone is just too shy to ask it. Meanwhile, this is a very important point that needs to be clarified openly. Such expressions as “we are going to break up”, “everything is complicated”, “we live separately” or “we are getting divorced soon” are not at all the same as “I’m free”. Make sure that the person you have plans for is also truly prepared for a potentially serious relationship with you. You also need to find out about the reasons for divorce or the end of a previous relationship. This will help understand whether a woman is able to analyze the situation, draw the right conclusions, whether she is inclined to blame others for everything or knows how to admit her own mistakes.

Relationships with family

So, how much should I know about a girl before I ask them on a date? What matters here is not what she says but how she talks about her family. Not all of us are fortunate to have ideal relations with family, and the fact that she is not too close, for example, with her brother, is not yet the reason to consider her brother a bad person. But the way she speaks about relatives will say a lot. Do her words sound offensive? Does she speak modestly about relations or blame her relatives? What words does she use? Does she talk about her loved ones with respect and tenderness? How does she describe her role in the family? Talking about her relations with relatives, she, in fact, will tell about herself.

questions to ask a girl before the first dateUseful question you should ask before a date

Let me guess: a date with a pretty girl will take place soon. The idea is that you should be overwhelmed with joy, but instead, there is anxiety in your soul. How not to spoil everything? What to talk about? What questions to ask the girl before going on a date and what topics to avoid? We have 10 questions you should ask a girl before going out on a date to help understand everything.

What are you looking for in the dating world?

What to ask a girl before asking to go on a date? At the very beginning, it is simply necessary to clarify whether you and she have the same expectations and talk directly about your intentions. Is she looking for a husband and a long-term relationship or just a fleeting connection? And you? If this point is not clarified, then disappointment and resentment on both sides will follow. Don’t allow this to happen

What have you read lately that impressed you?

This is a question that reveals the interests of your lady even more and gives her the opportunity to discuss them. The question is very broad. Don’t ask just: “Which book have you liked the most?” – this way you can make her feel awkward because she may not have a passion for books, but at the same time, she likes reading serious magazines and analytical articles. This question is good because it covers books, magazines, blog posts, and articles online that she read in any case.

What is your best memory?

It is great if you ask a girl this question before a date. It can say a lot about the woman after learning her past. The question of her best memory can spark a wonderful conversation and also helps overcome the awkwardness. Talking about her best memory allows you to ask a lot of clarifying questions, so thanks to it, you can learn a lot about the woman. You will also see how the lady behaves when she talks about what she loves and whether she has a sense of humor. In general, from her story, you can easily find out if she is an interesting person or not.

How long have you been out of a relationship?

Previous relationships can be a dangerous area for discussion before a first date, but getting an idea of the relationship history of your new friend will be very useful. But be careful as in this case, it is very easy to cross the line and create the impression of a person who doesn’t see any boundaries in the conversation. Remember that until you meet in real life, you are just a random guy for her.

What makes you happy?

Although many people seek happiness, very few people actually know what makes them happy. If you are chatting with a girl who knows this, most likely, she is very well versed in her own thoughts and feelings. And probably she is not the one who seeks casual relationships. Be careful with the hints like “you make me happy”. She doesn’t even know you. And she has to answer the question more seriously. If the girl really answers this question, then you should try to move to a new level of communication.

What are your addictions?

How long should you wait before you ask a girl out on a date on match? You can ask a lot of questions before going on a first date but this is one of the most important. You can really have fun until you learn something extremely well hidden about the girl. No, it is not about drugs or alcohol. Maybe the girl likes to watch TV shows or goes on a football match every week. Addictions can be funny but still, unexpected. They break down barriers and can bring you closer.

If you could have dinner with any three people in the world, dead or living, whom would you choose?

This is one of the most popular questions to ask a girl before you date. Of course, this will not bring you 10 points for originality. But such abstract questions about fictitious situations are a very good way to get to know a person. This question allows you to very well reveal her relationship with people: who interests her and why, what personalities she admires, and much more.

Do you like to travel?

How do you feel about outdoor activities and adventures? The question of traveling will also reveal her character traits and lifestyle. The answer to this question will help understand who is in front of you: a traveler or a couch potato. This question will help you understand whether it is worth continuing relationships with her because you will have to accept her lifestyle in the future, perhaps even adapt to it.

Why are you single?

If you talked about politics and work for two hours, it’s time to transfer the conversation to more personal spheres, and this question fits perfectly. If it sounds like a compliment (how come such a beautiful woman was left without a couple?), then you will not be considered rude. In a good situation (and we don’t need another one), you will get a story about her previous relationships, and there is something to pay attention to. Don’t be afraid to ask this question, it is quite appropriate if you are interested in a person.

ask a girl to hang out before dateAre you satisfied with your life?

If you have been talking for an hour or two and everything is going well, you can go a little deeper into psychology. For example, you can ask whether a woman is satisfied with what she does, where she lives and how she spends her free time. This seemingly innocent question can reveal her other side. And if she refuses to answer or says “It’s okay”, you should think about it. Perhaps she has something to hide.

Signs you should stay away from a date based on the questions

Do you find a girl on the Internet and understand that your communication is going not as you want? It’s time to study signs “screaming” that it is better to stay away from her.

You see that you are radically different

Incompatibility is expressed in different temperaments, biorhythms of life, habits, tastes, outlook on life, in the way of thinking itself. Such a mismatch can be extremely annoying: you ask a girl to hang out before a date and feel strong emotions – she is calm, you want to have fun – she is already going to sleep, you believe in something – she believes that you are wrong and doesn’t support your opinion.

You are very similar in everything

This is also bad. There should always be some kind of novelty in communication. It is unlikely that a woman is looking for her doppelganger. Both of you should be an independent wholesome individual, able to intrigue each other, not to copy. It is impossible to truly fall in love with your own reflection. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the relationship, the similarity of thoughts and characters may seem very pleasant and convenient but life will put everything in its place.

You feel bored

Communication with her upsets you and seems unnatural. Interaction with people you are going to spend a lot of time with should be natural and open. It should bring you joy and be pleasant. If it seems to you that there are many moments of awkward silence between you, you try to think of something to talk about, especially even before going on a date, then something is wrong and it is better to stop it.

You are constantly criticized

Everyone has the right to do what they want, for example, discuss certain topics without being criticized by other people. The woman who wants to control you in everything is most likely the wrong candidate for building healthy relationships. This indicates her unwillingness to accept you as you really are.

Now you know questions to ask a girl before you date her, but they serve only as a guideline, and it makes no sense to memorize them the way they are listed here. Any pleasant dialogue is, first of all, a matter of improvisation and good mood combined with charm and interest, and these questions are an option that will help you during periods of awkward silence and excessive shyness.

Does a New Relationship Have a Common Future?

We can talk a lot about what happens between a man and a woman in a relationship that lasts more than a couple of years. But how to determine the future of partners who have not got to know each other well when passion overshadows common sense even if it is about online communication?

One of you is scared to show the true self

Who doesn’t want to embellish reality by demonstrating their best sides to arouse admiration? The trouble is that serious relationships require sincerity, there is no place for acting and showing off. If you are already communicating for some time, but you continue to carefully monitor each spoken word, or a girl behaves somehow fake, then something is wrong here. Why is one of you so afraid of being real? Why are you shy about your sincere emotions?

You are not talking about each other's goals and priorities

Having been talking on a site for a pretty long time, do you know a girl’s hobbies and aspirations? What is her priority? What is the thing that unites you and makes you think about continuation in real life? Don't you worry about some internal uncertainty? What if one of you dreams about a family, while another one wants to have fun? Without knowing each other's values, it is difficult to build something serious. Think about why are you avoiding this topic?

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