Impressing a Russian Girl: Useful Tips


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  1. Why you need to impress a girl
  2. Things that might impress a Russian girl
  3. What may not impress a Russian lady

How to impress a girl? This is the most sinister question that every man faces in his life. No one knows for sure what a girl likes and what a girl wants. Sometimes, you are absolutely sure that she will be impressed by your next move, next joke, next thought, and then, all of a sudden, she gets offended and has no desire to see you again. Impressing a woman is an art, and like every art, it has no strict rules and requires hard work. Some men are successful in it, while others suffer one failure after another.

While impressing a girl is a tough work, impressing a Russian girl may turn out to be even tougher. Although the phenomenon of dating Russian girls is already a quarter of a century old, Russian women remain mysterious and exotic for western men. Their cultural peculiarities and distinction from their western counterparts make the majority of western men weaponless when it comes to impressing Russian women. Don't get upset, you can learn a few tricks that will help you in charming those gorgeous Slavic girls.



Why you need to impress a girl

Before learning the tips on how to impress women, you need to understand the importance of impressing. Why you need to impress a girl or why she needs to be impressed? The answer is much simpler than you might have thought. Firstly, you need to impress a girl because you want to catch her attention. She needs to be impressed to notice you. Secondly, if she liked the first impression you've made, you need to prove that she wasn't wrong about you. Basically, impressing a woman is winning her. And when it comes to dating a Russian girl, 'winning' implies much more things than when dating overly-emancipated and self-sufficient western girls. Because of their cultural peculiarities you need to be chivalrous to win a Russian girl as Russian women believe in traditional gender roles where a man is a hero, a warrior, and the main family supplier. Thus, you need to know how to impress a Russian girl.

Things that might impress a Russian girl

Although each and every woman requires an individual approach, we can give you general tips that may help you when dating a Russian woman.

1. Dress in a proper way

There is a Russian saying “Meeting by clothes, seeing off by mind”. That is why knowing how to dress is knowing how to impress a Russian woman. When it comes to dating Russian girls, the best way is to dress appropriately and sharp. You mustn't look like a peacock's tale, but your clothes should suit you well. Nobody forces you to wear a tuxedo – wearing a nice shirt and jeans may really help you. Don't forget to shave properly and don't forget to use cologne.

2. Be a gentleman

Good manners – that's how to impress Russian girls. When you go on a date with your Russian girl, you need to be a gentleman. Don't forget to let her go inside first, don't forget to pull out a chair for her. You need to stand up when a lady stands up as that's what gentlemen do. Last, but not the least, if you want to impress your Russian girl, you're paying for dinner.

love3. Think before you speak

Always mind you language and give a second thought to what you are about to say. You should dig up some information about Russian cultural peculiarities before cracking some jokes. What may be funny for you may be offensive for her. So, it is better to think before opening your mouth. Besides, knowledge of Russian culture, at least on a general level, may impress her as well.

4. Be assertive

You need to show her that you can handle everything, but mind that you need to be reasonably assertive. Russian men are often rude and are closer to being aggressive rather than assertive. To impress her, you need to maintain a good balance. Show her that you can make decisions because that's what Russian women really like. Show that you can take care of her because that's what every Russian girl dreams about. But don't push too hard. Don't overdo it because you may appear no better than an average Russian man who's a far cry from a gentleman.

5. Be attentive

When she's telling you something, pay attention to it. Listen to her. Russian women like men listening to them. No matter what she's talking about, you must show your interest in her words. Be attentive to her in general, that's what may help you stand out. Be compassionate but don't overdo it as Russian girls are not that fond of soft guys.

What may not impress a Russian lady

Understanding what Russian women like can help you greatly in impressing them. But you can get even more successful by avoiding things that Russian women don't like.

1. Demanding

After the dissolution of the USSR, a lot of men wanted to date a Russian woman as a charity act considering the lamentable state of post-Soviet countries. But things have changed. Forget about “a rich guy saves a poor girl from her poor country”-scenario. If you demand something from her, she would walk away. Especially if your main argumentation is the size of your wallet. Russian women hate men who think that women fall for their money.

2. Being silent

You may be charmed by her beauty so much that words won't come easy to you. But being silent is not how to impress a Russian girl. She may think that either you have nothing to say or you find her boring, with the latter leading to her keeping silent. And mutual silence is not always a good sign, especially when your relationships are about to start.

3. Talking too much

Yep, it sort of contradicts the previous passage but you need to learn it as well. Don't talk too much about yourself. Especially if there's not enough space between your words for her to chime in. She may think that you are self-obsessed person who has no interest in her. Summing up the previous two passages, you need a dialogue, not a monologue from either of the sides.

baddate4. Being mama's boy

Believe it or not, but Russia is full of mama's boys, thus being a softie won't impress your Russian lady. Russian women like men who can take care of themselves, as only this type of men can take care of women. Russian women like men that can make decisions for both. Thus, Russian women don't like men who are completely opposite. And Russian women hate when their husbands' mothers interfere with their relationships.

5. Complaining

Sooner or later she may ask you about your past or about your exes. Well, it's better to avoid complaining at all costs. If you complain too much about your life and about your exes, she might consider you a loser. And a loser will unlikely impress a Russian lady.

6. Weakness

A physically weak man is perceived by many Russian women as an insufficiently attractive male. Any woman dreams of a strong man. She wants to be sure that he will be able to protect her. Going in for sports and keeping fit is real for any man.

7. Greed

Many men offer Russian women to split the bill in restaurants on their first dates and even make attempts to demand that they pay gas if such gentlemen decide to drive ladies home. Many Russian women want for themselves a man who will be able to occupy the classic “dominant” hierarchy in their lives and be able to take care of them in later life.

8. Untidiness

One of the most important rules of any self-respecting man is the ability to take care of himself. When a man doesn’t follow hygiene rules and can’t take care of themselves, it seems at least strange. Perhaps this is one of the most annoying features of men. Is it really so difficult to buy deodorant and just take a bath/shower in the morning? With such an attitude to yourself, you will never attract a Russian woman.

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